Technical Documentation
Name | Description | Type | Tags |
active | True if the property record is active. | boolean | |
address_line1 | The first line of the property address. This field is a concatenation of house_nbr , direction_left , street , mode , and direction_right . | string | |
alternative_addresses | Alternative addresses for properties in NYC. | ||
alternative_addresses.address_line1 | string | NYC | | | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.direction_left | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.direction_right | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.house_nbr | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.mode | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.state | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.street | string | NYC | |
alternative_addresses.zip5 | string | NYC | |
apn | Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) in formatted form, typically using dashes and periods to split the APN into logical components (for example, 101-32-021.A). | string | |
asset_category | The asset category (Office , Retail , etc.). See std_land_use_code_description for the more detailed asset type. | string | |
bins | One or more New York City building identification numbers associated with the property. | array of integer | NYC |
block_id | A city block ID. | string | |
borough_id | The New York City borough ID (1: Manhattan, 2: Bronx, 3: Brooklyn, 4: Queens, 5: Staten Island). | integer | NYC |
building_area | The total square footage of all structures on the tax lot. | number | |
building_class | One or more building class codes. | string | NYC |
building_update_time | The date the property's building information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
census_tract | A concatentation of the 2-digit state code, the 3-digit county code, and the 6-digit census tract code. | string | |
city | The city where the property is located. | string | |
commercial_overlay_1 | A commercial overlay code. | string | NYC |
commercial_overlay_2 | A commercial overlay code. | string | NYC |
commercial_units | The number of commercial units across all structures on the tax lot. | integer | |
commercial_usable_area | The square footage associated with all commercial components of the property. | number | NYC |
deprecation_date | The date the property record became inactive. | string | |
depth | The depth of the lot (front to back) in feet. For non-NYC properties, this is reported as the lot_size_depth_feet . | number | NYC |
direction_left | The address direction to the left of the street name. | string | |
direction_right | The address direction to the right of the street name. | string | |
existing_far | The floor area ratio (the total building area divided by the lot area) provided by NYC records. | number | NYC |
existing_floor_area_ratio | The floor area ratio (the total building area divided by the lot area) provided by the property's most recent sale document. | number | |
existing_square_footage | Actual square footage of the property. This can be used to calculate if the property has been overbuilt based on the zoning district and FAR. The formula is as follows: lot area * FAR - Existing SF = Indicative SF. | number | NYC |
factory_usable_area | The square footage associated with the factory component of the property. | number | NYC |
financials | Financial information. | ||
financials.gross | Gross revenue earned through the operation of the property. | number | NYC |
financials.noi | Net operating income provided by the Department of Finance. | number | NYC |
financials.opex | Estimate of operating expenses, not including the tax amount, from the Department of Finance. | number | NYC |
financials.re_taxes | Real estate taxes, from the Department of Finance. | number | NYC |
financials.total_opex | Estimate of operating expenses, including the tax amount, from the Department of Finance. | number | NYC |
financials.year | Year of financials reported. | integer | NYC |
fips | The 5-digit FIPS code of the county where the property is located. | string | |
fips_county | The name of the county associated with the FIPS code where the property is located. | string | |
first_owner_name | The first contact name associated with the property. | string | PII |
floors | Number of floors in the building. | integer | |
frontage | Linear feet across the front of the lot. This may be reported as the lot_size_frontage_feet attribute. | number | NYC |
garage_usable_area | The square footage associated with the garage component of the property. | number | NYC |
has_cmbs | True if the property has CMBS information. | boolean | CMBS |
historic_district | NYC properties within historic districts only: The name of the historic district. | string | NYC |
house_nbr | The building number portion of the street address. | string | |
landmark | NYC properties with designated landmark status only: The landmark name. | string | NYC |
legal_description | Legal location description of the property. | string | |
likely_to_sell | An indicator that identifies which properties are most likely to sell. Read more about Likely to Sell here. | string | |
location | The latitude and longitude of the point at the center of the parcel. | || | The location's latitude. | number | |
location.lon | The location's longitude. | number | |
lot_id | The New York City lot ID. | integer | NYC |
lot_size_acres | The size of the lot in acres. | number | |
lot_size_depth_feet | The depth of the lot (front to back) in feet. This may be reported as the depth attribute. | integer | |
lot_size_frontage_feet | Linear feet across the front of the lot. This may be reported as the frontage attribute. | number | |
lot_size_sqft | The size of the lot in square feet. | integer | |
master_update_time | The date the property's information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
max_floor_plate | Maximum leasable square footage for an individual floor. | number | NYC |
mcd_name | The legally defined county subdivision (minor civil division) where the property is located. This may be reported as the municipality . | string | |
mode | The street type, found to the right of the street name (DR, AVE, etc.). | string | |
most_recent_dscr | A ratio of net operating income (NOI) to debt service for the most recent operating statement reported by the servicer (e.g. year to date, year to date annualized, or trailing 12 months, but all normalized) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_dscr_date | The determination date of the Most Recent DSCR. | string | CMBS |
most_recent_end_date | The last day of the period for the most recent, hard copy operating statement (e.g. year to date or trailing 12 months) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. | string | CMBS |
most_recent_ncf | The total revenues less total operating expenses and capital items but before debt service per the most recent operating statement reported by the servicer (e.g. year to date, year to date annualized, or trailing 12 months, but all normalized) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_ncf_date | The determination date of the Most Recent NCF. | string | CMBS |
most_recent_noi | The total revenues less total operating expenses before capital items and debt service per the most recent operating statement reported by the servicer (e.g. year to date, year to date annualized, or trailing 12 months, but all normalized) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_noi_date | The determination date of the Most Recent NOI. | string | CMBS |
most_recent_occupancy_pct | The percentage of rentable space occupied as of the most recent fiscal year end operating statement available. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_occupancy_pct_date | The determination date of the Occupancy Percent | string | CMBS |
most_recent_operating_expenses | The total operating expenses for the most recent operating statement reported by the servicer (e.g. year to date, year to date annualized, or trailing 12 months, but all normalized) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. Included are real estate taxes, insurance, management fees, utilities, repairs and maintenance. Excluded are capital expenditures, tenant improvements, and leasing commissions. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_operating_expenses_date | The determination date of the Most Recent Operating Expenses. | string | CMBS |
most_recent_revenue | The total revenues for the most recent operating statement reported by the servicer (e.g. year to date, year to date annualized, or trailing 12 months, but all normalized) after the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
most_recent_revenue_date | The determination date of the Most Recent Revenue. | string | CMBS |
msa_name | The metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) where the property is located. | string | |
mtg_update_time | The date the property's mortage information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
municipality | The name of the municipality where the property is located. This may be reported as the mcd_name attribute. | string | |
neighborhood_name | The neighborhood where the property is located. | string | |
office_usable_area | The square footage associated with the office component of the property. | number | NYC |
opp_zone | True if the property is located within an opportunity zone. | boolean | |
other_usable_area | The square footage associated with any components of the property not classified as office, garage, storage, factory, retail, or residential. | number | NYC |
owner_names_count | The total number of contacts associated with this property. | integer | |
owner_update_time | The date the property's ownership information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
ownership | Information indicating whether contact information exists for this property. To obtain the contact information, use the ownership detail type. | ||
ownership.green_matches_count | The number of known people and companies who are likely property owners. | integer | |
ownership.grey_matches_count | The number of known people and companies with connections to the property. | integer | |
ownership.has_green_addresses | true if Reonomy can provide a mailing address for the likely property owner. | boolean | |
ownership.has_green_emails | true if Reonomy can provide an email address for the likely property owner. | boolean | |
ownership.has_green_phones | true if Reonomy can provide a phone number for the likely property owner. | boolean | |
ownership.has_grey_addresses | true if Reonomy can provide a mailing address for a person or company connected to the property. | boolean | |
ownership.has_grey_emails | true if Reonomy can provide an email address for a person or company connected to the property. | boolean | |
ownership.has_grey_phones | true if Reonomy can provide a phone number for a person or company connected to the property. | boolean | |
p2_dscr | A ratio of net operating income (NOI) to debt service for the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end statement as reported by the servicer. | number | CMBS |
p2_dscr_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY DSCR calculated with NOI. | string | CMBS |
p2_fin_date | The determination date of the financial operating statement as of the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end. | string | CMBS |
p2_ncf | The total revenues less total operating expenses and capital items normalized, and annualized as applicable, but before debt service for the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
p2_ncf_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY NCF. | string | CMBS |
p2_noi | The total revenues less total operating expenses normalized, and annualized as applicable, before capital items and debt service for the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
p2_noi_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY NOI. | string | CMBS |
p2_occupancy_pct | The percentage of rentable space occupied as of the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end. | number | CMBS |
p2_occupancy_pct_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY Occupancy percent | string | CMBS |
p2_operating_expenses | The total operating expenses normalized, and annualized as applicable, for the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end statement. Included are real estate taxes, insurance, management fees, utilities, and repairs and maintenance. Excluded are capital expenditures, tenant improvements, and leasing commissions. | number | CMBS |
p2_operating_expenses_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY Operating Expenses. | string | CMBS |
p2_revenue | Total revenues normalized, and annualized as applicable, for the first consecutive year end prior to the preceding fiscal year end statement. | number | CMBS |
p2_revenue_date | The determination date of the Second Preceding FY Revenue. | string | CMBS |
p_appraisal_value | The most recent evaluation of a property's estimated value. | string | CMBS |
p_appraisal_value_date | The date the most recent evaluation of a property's estimated value was effective. | string | CMBS |
p_date | Date of the most recent fiscal year end statement available | string | CMBS |
p_dscr | The ratio of net operating income (NOI) to debt service for the most recent fiscal year end statement available as reported by the servicer. A property detail information field. | string | CMBS |
p_dscr_date | The determination date of the DSCR. | string | CMBS |
p_ncf | The preceding fiscal year net cashflow related to the financial as-of date.. | string | CMBS |
p_ncf_date | The determination date of the NCF. | string | CMBS |
p_noi | The total revenues less total operating expenses before capital items and debt service per the most recent fiscal year end statement available | string | CMBS |
p_noi_date | The determination date of Noi | string | CMBS |
p_occupancy_pct | The percentage of rentable space occupied as of the most recent fiscal year end operating statement available. | string | CMBS |
p_occupancy_pct_date | The determination date of the Occupancy %. | string | CMBS |
p_operating_expenses | Total operating expenses normalized, and annualized as applicable, for the most recent fiscal year end statement available. Included are real estate taxes, insurance, management fees, utilities, and repairs and maintenance. Excluded are capital expenditures, tenant improvements, and leasing commissions. If multiple properties exist and the related data is comparable, total the operating expenses of the underlying properties. | string | CMBS |
p_operating_expenses_date | The determination date of the Operating Expenses. | string | CMBS |
p_revenue | The total revenues normalized, and annualized as applicable, for the most recent fiscal year end statement available. | string | CMBS |
p_revenue_date | The determination date of the Revenue. | string | CMBS |
parcel_shape_ids | One or more numeric strings that identify shape files with parcel geometry and metadata for the property. Use POST /v2/search/property-shapes to retrieve the shape file for a given parcel ID. | array of string | |
property_id | string | ||
records | Information that can be used to pull building records from the NYC Department of Buildings using the building's BIN number (Building Identification Number). | ||
records.bins | One or more New York City building identification numbers associated with the property. | array of integer | NYC |
records.block_id | A city block ID. | string | NYC |
records.borough_id | The New York City borough ID (1: Manhattan, 2: Bronx, 3: Brooklyn, 4: Queens, 5: Staten Island). | integer | NYC |
records.lot_id | The New York City lot ID. | integer | NYC |
rent_history | The number of units that are stabilized or regulated by year. | ||
rent_history.units | The number of units regulated in a given year. | integer | NYC |
rent_history.year | Corresponding year of count of regulated units. | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation | Rent regulation details (see Rent regulated definitions for additional information). | ||
rent_regulation.a_units | Count of units that include a kitchen and bathroom. | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation.b_units | Count of units that do not include a kitchen and bathroom. | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation.closed_litigation | Prior litigation. | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation.outstanding_litigation | Open litigation. | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation.registration_date | Date that the property was registered with NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Developments. | string | NYC |
rent_regulation.registration_expiration | Date that the property's registration with the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Developments expires. | string | NYC |
rent_regulation.regulated_units | The total number of rent regulated units in the building (a_units + b_units ). | integer | NYC |
rent_regulation.status_1 | The building status. See Rent regulated definitions for details. | string | NYC |
rent_regulation.status_2 | Additional building status. See Rent regulated definitions for details. | string | NYC |
rent_regulation.status_3 | Additional building status. See Rent regulated definitions for details. | string | NYC |
residential_units | The total number of residential units across all structures on the tax lot. | integer | |
residential_usable_area | The square footage associated with the residential component of the property. | number | NYC |
retail_usable_area | The square footage associated with the retail component of the property. | number | NYC |
sale_update_time | The date the property's sale information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
sanborn_map_number | The Sanborn fire insurance map number. | string | NYC |
sf_of_building_area | The total square footage of all structures on the tax lot. This field is not used. Please use sum_building_sqft to obtain the total square footage of all structures on the tax lot. | number | |
shape_update_time | The date the property's shape information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
special_purpose_district | The name of the special purpose district where the property is located (if applicable). | string | NYC |
split_boundary | True if the lot is located in two or more zoning districts and divided by a zoning district boundary. | boolean | NYC |
state | The 2-letter state abbreviation. | string | |
std_land_use_code | The lot use code associated with the asset type. | string | |
std_land_use_code_description | The asset type. See asset_category for the broader asset category. | string | |
storage_usable_area | The square footage associated with the storage component of the property. | number | NYC |
street | The street name (without the mode and direction attributes). | string | |
subway_entrances_and_distances | Information about nearest subway entrances and their distances from the property. | ||
subway_entrances_and_distances.distance | number | NYC | |
subway_entrances_and_distances.lines | array of string | NYC | |
sum_building_sqft | The total square footage of all structures on the tax lot. | number | |
sum_buildings_nbr | Number of buildings on the lot. | integer | |
tax_update_time | The date the property's tax information was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD ). | string | |
total_units | Total number of units across all structures on tax lot. | integer | |
underwritten_appraisal_value | The valuation amount of the property as of the Valuation Date at Contribution. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_appraisal_value_date | The date the Valuation Amount at Contribution was determined. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_date | The determination date of the underwriting | string | CMBS |
underwritten_dscr | A ratio of underwritten net operating income (NOI) to debt service as shown in the final prospectus or as provided by the issuer or depositor at the closing date of the transaction. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_dscr_date | The determination date of the Underwritten DSCR. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_ncf | The Net Cash Flow (NCF) is the total underwritten revenue less total underwritten operating expenses and capital costs per the final prospectus or as provided by the issuer or depositor as of the closing date of the transaction. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_ncf_date | This is a property detail field. The determination date of the Underwritten NCF. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_noi | The Net Operating Income (NOI) is the total underwritten revenues less total underwritten operating expenses prior to application of mortgage payments and capital items for all properties per the final prospectus or as provided by the issuer or depositor at the closing date of the transaction. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_noi_date | The determination date of the Underwritten NOI. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_occupancy_rate | The percentage of rentable space occupied by tenants as of the closing date of the transaction. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_occupancy_rate_date | The determination date of the Underwritten Occupancy %. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_operating_expenses | The total underwritten operating expenses for a property per the final prospectus or as provided by the issuer or depositor as of the closing date of the transaction. Typically included are real estate taxes, insurance, management fees, utilities, and repairs and maintenance, but capital expenditures, tenant improvements, and leasing commissions are excluded. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_operating_expenses_date | The determination date of the Underwritten Expenses. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_revenue | The total underwritten revenue from all sources for a property per the final prospectus or as provided by the issuer or depositor at the closing date of the transaction. | string | CMBS |
underwritten_revenue_date | The determination date of the Underwritten Revenue. | string | CMBS |
year_built | The year the building was originally constructed. | integer | |
year_renovated | The year the building was last renovated. | integer | |
zip4 | The "plus 4" zip code extension. | string | |
zip5 | The 5-digit zip code. | string | |
zoning | The zoning district in which the property is located. | string | |
zoning_district_1 | The parcel's primary zoning district. | string | NYC |
zoning_district_1_far_mapping | Allowable floor area ratio (FAR) within the primary zoning district for each applicable far_category_id . | ||
zoning_district_1_far_mapping.far_category_id | 1: Residential, 2: Community Facility, 3: Commercial, 4: Commercial, 5: Manufacturing, 6: With Attic. | integer | NYC |
zoning_district_1_far_mapping.high_max_allowable_far | The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted in this zoning district. | number | NYC |
zoning_district_1_far_mapping.is_commercial_overlay | true if the parcel is within a commercial overlay district. | boolean | NYC |
zoning_district_1_far_mapping.low_max_allowable_far | The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted in this zoning district. | number | NYC |
zoning_district_1_far_mapping.subdistrict_code | The parcel's primary (or secondary) zoning district. | string | NYC |
zoning_district_2 | The parcel's secondary zoning district. | string | NYC |
zoning_district_2_far_mapping | Allowable floor area ratio (FAR) within the secondary zoning district for each applicable far_category_id . | ||
zoning_district_2_far_mapping.far_category_id | 1: Residential, 2: Community Facility, 3: Commercial, 4: Commercial, 5: Manufacturing, 6: With Attic. | integer | NYC |
zoning_district_2_far_mapping.high_max_allowable_far | The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted in this zoning district. | number | NYC |
zoning_district_2_far_mapping.is_commercial_overlay | true if the parcel is within a commercial overlay district. | boolean | NYC |
zoning_district_2_far_mapping.low_max_allowable_far | The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted in this zoning district. | number | NYC |
zoning_district_2_far_mapping.subdistrict_code | The parcel's primary (or secondary) zoning district. | string | NYC |
zoning_map_number | The number of the zoning map for the property. | string | NYC |