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Technical Documentation

API Reference


Feeds API

Use these endpoints to create and manage bulk data feeds.

For information about bulk data feeds, see About bulk data feeds. For information on configuring bulk data feeds, see Configuring bulk data feeds.

Bulk data feed jobs are most easily configured from the Job Spec Editor.

get /v2/bulk-data-feeds


Returns information about each bulk data feed job associated with your API account.

See Configuring bulk data feeds for more information.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id} to get the full job spec. The job spec defines the search queries, address files, output format, etc. associated with this job, plus optional scheduling and notification information.

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds to create a new job spec.

Use PUT /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id} to update an existing job spec.

Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/{id}/versions to get a previous version of a job spec.



Query parameters

is_temp_feed (string)

If false, the API returns only saved job specs (no temporary feeds); if true, the API returns only temporary feeds. If you don't specify this parameter, the API returns saved and temporary feeds.

limit (string)

The maximum number of data feed jobs to return in the response (the default is 100).

offset (string)

By default, the API returns information starting with the most recent job. Use offset to specify a different set. For example, setting offset=100 with limit=100 returns the next 100.



count (integer)

The total number of bulk data feed jobs.

items (array)

List of bulk data feed jobs.

account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job spec was deleted.

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job spec was created.

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The data feed job ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was last modified.

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if scheduling is enabled).

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).

limit (integer)

The number of data feed jobs in the response (default is 100).

next (string)

The URL for the next batch of results (or null).

offset (integer)

The offset (when displaying job information beyond the first 100 jobs).

previous (string)

The URL for the previous batch of results (or null).

remaining (integer)

By default, the API returns information in batches of 100. This displays the number of jobs remaining.

route_args (object)

Displays any query parameters specified in the GET request.

search_token (string)

Not used (returns null).


post /v2/bulk-data-feeds


Creates a new bulk data feed job using the job spec defined in the request body. If the job spec is invalid, the API returns information to help you correct the errors.

The job spec defines the search queries, address files, output format, etc. associated with this job, plus optional scheduling and notification information. See Configuring bulk data feeds for more information.

Related topics

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds to create a new job spec.

Use PUT /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id} to update an existing job spec.

The Job Spec Editor simplifies setting up the job spec, including setting up the mappings for CSV output.



Request body (application/json)

account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

client (string)

For internal use only.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each foreclosure record is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each mortgage document is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each contact is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each reported owner is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each sales record is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each tax record is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each occupant is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

include_sfr (boolean)

Specify true to include single family residence (SFR) parcel shapes in the output file. If you use this option, locations is the only permitted settings filter within the section.

output (string)

[object Object]

single_file (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

is_temporary (boolean)

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address or geolocation using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses or geolocations of properties of interest) or to specify a list of Reonomy property IDs. You can specify the addresses, locations, or property IDs in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses, geolocations, or property IDs uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the required information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the required address, location, or property ID parameters and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file contains the Reonomy property IDs.

row_id (string)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file maps to the optional row_id parameter. The row_id works as a common field you can use to "join" the results to your source data. If you don't specify a row_id column in the job spec, the output file's row_id column includes a unique identifer for each row (<file_id>-<row_number>)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).



account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

The date and time (UTC) the data feed was deleted (initially null).

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the data feed was created.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The data feed ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the data feed was modified.

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if scheduling is enabled).

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the job spec.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).


post /v2/bulk-data-feeds/validate


Validates the job spec included in the request body. The job spec defines the search queries, address files, output format, etc. associated with this job, plus optional scheduling and notification information. See Configuring bulk data feeds for more information.

If the job spec is invalid, the API returns information to help you correct the errors (see the example on the right).

  "err_name": "ValidationError",
  "message": {
    "manifest": {
      "output": {
        "csv_fields": [
          "csv_fields must be specified for CSV output"
      "property_details": {
        "1": [
          "Not a valid choice."



Request body (application/json)

account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

client (string)

For internal use only.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

is_temporary (boolean)

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).



account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

is_temporary (boolean)

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if scheduling is enabled).

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).


delete /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id}


Deletes the specified bulk data feeds job. Deleting a job deletes its run history and results.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds to get a list of bulk data feed job IDs associated with your API account.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.



account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was deleted.

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was created.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The data feed ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was last modified.

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if scheduling is enabled).

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).


get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id}


Returns the job spec for the specified bulk data feed ID.

The job spec defines the search queries, address files, output format, etc. associated with this job, plus optional scheduling and notification information. See the Bulk data feeds guide for more information.

Related topics

Use PUT /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id} to update an existing job spec.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.



account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was deleted.

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was created.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The data feed ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job was last modified.

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if scheduling is enabled).

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).


put /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id}


Updates the specified bulk data feed job with the supplied job spec. You must include a complete job spec in the request body. To update individual fields, make a GET request to GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id} and include a modified version of the GET response in the PUT request body.

The job spec defines the search queries, address files, output format, etc. associated with this job, plus optional scheduling and notification information. See Configuring bulk data feeds guide for more information.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds to get a list of existing job specs.

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds to create a new job spec.

The Job Spec Editor simplifies setting up the job spec, including setting up the mappings for CSV output.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.

Request body (application/json)

account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

client (string)

For internal use only.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

is_temporary (boolean)

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job.

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address or geolocation using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses or geolocations of properties of interest) or to specify a list of Reonomy property IDs. You can specify the addresses, locations, or property IDs in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses, geolocations, or property IDs uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the required information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the required address, location, or property ID parameters and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file contains the Reonomy property IDs.

row_id (string)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file maps to the optional row_id parameter. The row_id works as a common field you can use to "join" the results to your source data. If you don't specify a row_id column in the job spec, the output file's row_id column includes a unique identifer for each row (<file_id>-<row_number>)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).



account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

archived (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job spec was deleted.

client (string)

For internal use only.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job spec was created.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The data feed ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job spec was last modified.

name (string)

The name for this data feed job.

next_run (string)

The date and time (UTC) the job is next scheduled to run based on the schedule (if schedule_enabled is true).

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

city (string)

state (string)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

coordinates (object)

distance_unit (string)

Use this to specify the search radius units.

radius (number)

Use this to specify the search radius value.

polygons (array)

coordinates (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).



Runs API

Use these endpoints to start a BDF run or to view information about current or historic runs. The GET endpoints return URLs you can use to retrieve the results.

The Job Spec Editor lets you start a run, view run information, and download results for the current data feed.

get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs


Returns run information for all bulk data feed runs associated with all bulk data feed jobs, or the job you specify using the data_feed query parameter.



Query parameters

order_by (string)

By default, runs are ordered using the created date. To order the runs using a different attribute, specify the attribute here.

sort (string)

By default, runs are returned in descending (desc) order (that is, the newest run first) based on the order_by attribute, where the default is the created date. Specify asc to sort in ascending order (oldest run first).

data_feed (string)

Specify a bulk data feed job spec ID to return only runs associated with the specified job.

limit (integer)

The maximum number of runs to return (the default is 100).

offset (integer)

By default, the API returns run information starting with the run with the most recent created date. Use offset to start from a different point in the list. For example, setting offset=100 with limit=100 returns the next 100.

is_temp_feed (string)

If false, the API returns only runs associated with saved job specs (no temporary feeds); if true, the API returns only runs associated with temporary feeds. If you don't specify this parameter, the API returns runs for saved and temporary feeds.



count (integer)

The total number of runs.

items (array)

List of run objects.

child_job_messages (array)

created (string)

The date and time the run started.

data_feed (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.

data_feed_name (string)

Name of corresponding bulk data feed.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The run ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

job_spec_url (string)

message (string)

Information about the current run status.

miss_url (string)

modified (string)

Not used (always null).

prev_run (string)

The previous run ID (for "delta" jobs only).

result_url (string)

The URL to download the output file (if the job completed successfully).

result_urls (array)

status (string)

The run status (PENDING, STARTED, SUCCESS, etc.). See message for more detailed status information.

user (string)

The ID of the user that started the run.

limit (integer)

The number of runs in the response (default is 100).

next (string)

The URL for the next batch of results (or null).

offset (integer)

The offset (when displaying run information beyond the first 100 runs).

previous (string)

The URL for the previous batch of results (or null).

remaining (integer)

By default, the API returns information in batches of 100. This displays the number of runs remaining.

route_args (object)

Displays any query parameters specified in the GET request.

search_token (string)

Not used (returns null).


post /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs


Starts the specified bulk data feed job. Use the data_feed parameter to specify the data feed ID.

By default, jobs return all matching records. However, if you specify "deltas": true in the job spec, the job returns only records that have changed since a previous run. You can specify a previous run using the prev_run parameter, or you can omit this parameter to use the last successful run as the base. The first run of a "deltas" job always returns all matching records, since there is no "previous run."

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds to get a list of bulk data feed job IDs associated with your API account.

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs to get a list of previous runs associated with a bulk data feed job (use the data_feed query parameter to specify the job ID).

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs/{item_id} to check the status of a job while it's running to download the results when it's complete.

To run jobs automatically on a fixed schedule, specify the schedule settings within the job spec's options section (see Configuring the job spec).



Request body (application/json)

data_feed (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.

job_spec (object)

account_manager (string)

For internal use only.

client (string)

For internal use only.

data (object)

Specifies how the resulting data is delivered (specify only one):

  • single_file generates a single one-record-per-property output file, where each record includes data for all the requested property detail types (mortgages, taxes, etc.).
  • multi_file generates a separate output file for each detail type. Each mortgage document, tax record, etc. is returned as a separate record within the corresponding file.
  • parcel_shapes generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

multi_file (object)

Generates a separate output file for each specified record type (mortgages, taxes, etc.). For each record type, the output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

basic (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

companies (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

foreclosure (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

mortgages (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

owners (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

ownership (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

people (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

reported_owner (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

sales (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

tax_parcels (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

use_v3 (boolean)

Specify true to indicate that you want to use the v3 version of the entity schema. The default is false, which uses the v2 schema.

taxes (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

tenants (object)

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

parcel_shapes (object)

Generates a GeoJSON output file with parcel shape data for each matching property. Each parcel shape is represented as a Feature within a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.

include_sfr (boolean)

Indicator of whether to include shapes of SFR or not. Service not enabled currently.

output (string)

single_file (object)

Generates a single output file containing all the requested data. The output field specifies the desired output format (ndjson or csv). For csv, specify which fields to include in the output file.

collate (boolean)

Optional boolean value dictates whether the CSV output fields will be collated. Set to true by default.

detail_types (array)

The detail types to include in the output file (basic, mortgages, taxes, etc.).

fields (array)

For the csv output type, each property is returned as a single row in the CSV file. You must specify which fields to include and, for fields that are arrays, how many of each item to include. See Output data formats for more information.

column (string)

The label to use as the CSV column header. If the path includes array references using slice notation ([:n]), the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path. <n> is replaced with the actual array index value in the output CSV file.

detail_type (string)

path (string)

A dot-separated string specifying the path through the JSON object for the field you want to include. For paths that include arrays, you have two options:

(i) Include the index of each array element you want. For example, tenants[0].business_name references the business name for the first element of the tenants array; tenants[1].contacts[0].email references the email address of the first contact of the second tenant.

(ii) Use a slice notation to specify how many array items you want. For example, tenants[:3].business_name says include the business name for the first three tenants. When using slice notation, the column label must include the same number of <n> tokens as there are [:n] tokens in the path.

See the API documentation for GET /v2/property/{id} for the response schema for each property detail type.

output (string)

The output file format (csv or ndjson).

string_length (integer)

Setting the string_length option causes all strings in the CSV output to be truncated to the specified number of characters (minimum value 40).

description (string)

Description of this bulk data feed job.

directory_name (string)

The name of the directory where output files for this feed will be saved. This field is automatically generated from the data feed's name.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

is_temporary (boolean)

name (string)

The name for this bulk data feed job. This is autogenerated and is of the format temp__.

options (object)

Optional settings with run type, scheduling, notification, PII filtering, and external storage information.

deltas (boolean)

If true, runs (scheduled or manual) return only property records that have changed since the last run (could be a scheduled run or a manual run).

external_storage (object)

For output file delivery to an S3 bucket or Azure Storage container, specify the required connection information. See AWS S3 bucket configuration or Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details. If you don't configure external delivery, you can download the output file using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{id} or access it via SFTP.

azure (object)

For output delivered to an Azure Storage container, the container name and connection information. See Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for information about creating the required storage account and storage container.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

connection_string (string)

The connection string for the storage container. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

s3 (object)

For output file delivered to an S3 bucket, the bucket name and connection information. See S3 bucket configuration for information about creating the required IAM user and user policy.

aws_access_key_id (string)

The access key ID for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

aws_secret_access_key (string)

The secret access key for the IAM user. For security, this value is not returned in any API response.

bucket (string)

The bucket or container name. For S3, see S3 bucket configuration for details. For Azure, see Microsoft Azure Storage configuration for details.

path (string)

The path to a folder within the specified bucket or container (optional).

filter_pii (boolean)

true excludes all fields tagged as PII (personally identifiable information) from the results. To see which fields are considered PII for each property detail type, see the Data dictionary.

notifications (object)

A list of email addresses to receive job status notifications.

emails (array)

schedule (object)

Configuration information to run the job on a fixed schedule (for example, once a week or once a month).

cron (string)

A cron string specifying the run schedule for this job in minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week format. You can't schedule a job to run more often than hourly. For additional information about the exact cron format required for specifying job schedules, see the crontab documentation. Note that jobs may not start at the exact time specified, but will start within one hour of that time.

enabled (boolean)

true to activate scheduled runs.

end (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

start (string)

The end date in YYYY-MM-DD format (optional).

zip_output (boolean)

If true, zips the multiple files into a single zipped file.

properties (object)

Specifies the properties to include in the bulk data feed job:

  • Use the search section to specify search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).
  • Use the match section to specify properties by address using a CSV file.

match (object)

Used only with bulk data feed jobs that require address resolution (where you specify the addresses of properties of interest). You can specify the addresses in one or more CSV files referenced in the files object, or by including them directly as a raw object.

files (array)

Files you reference must be CSV files containing property addresses uploaded using POST /bulk-data-feeds/files. For each file, you must include mappings to indicate which columns in the CSV file contain the address information.

file_id (string)

The Reonomy file ID for the CSV file. This is returned in the POST /bulk-data-feeds/files response when you upload a file. Use GET /bulk-data-feeds/files for a list of all uploaded files.

mapping (object)

An object specifying the four required parameters (line1, city, state, and postal_code) and the names of the columns they map to in your CSV file.

address (object)

location (object)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

path (string)

raw (array)

A list of address, location, or place objects.

address (object)

city (string)

line1 (string)

postal_code (string)

state (string)

location (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

property_id (string)

search (array)

A list of search queries to locate properties you want to include in the job output. Each query must include a settings object with the search parameters, where the format is the same as that used by the POST /search/summaries endpoint. The bounding_box is optional. If you enter multiple search queries, the output file will contain a union of all resulting records. For example, if you include a search for office buildings in New York and another search for office buildings in Chicago, the output file will include office buildings in New York and Chicago.

bounding_box (object)

The top left and bottom right corners (as lat lon coordinates) of a box defining a geographic search area. The search results include only properties located within the bounding box.

bottom_right (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

top_left (object)

lat (number)

The location's latitude.

lon (number)

The location's longitude.

settings (object)

The search criteria that define the resulting properties (for example, office buildings in zip code 10016).

assessed_improvement_value (object)

The assessed improvement value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

assessed_land_value (object)

The assessed land value provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

asset_category (array)

One or more land use or asset categories (see Asset types).

block_id (string)

The property's block ID.

borough (string)

The property's borough name.

building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

building_classes (array)

One or more building class codes.

building_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

buyer_name (string)

The name of the buyer.

city (array)

One or more city names.

cmbs_loan (string)

Use this to identify properties that have a current (current) or a historical (historical cmbs loan

commercial_overlays (array)

One or more commercial overlay codes (C1-1 through C1-5 and C2-1 through C2-5).

county (array)

One or more county names.

fips (array)

One or more FIPS codes (Federal Information Processing Standards codes used to identify a specific county or political jurisdiction).

foreclosure_auction_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

foreclosure_deed_category (array)

One or more foreclosure deed category codes (see Foreclosure deed categories).

foreclosure_proceedings (boolean)

geographies (array)

category (string)

in (object)

names (array)

gross (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

has_opportunity (boolean)

improvement_market_value (object)

The market improvement value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

in_state_owner (boolean)

true for properties where the owner resides in the state where the property is located.

is_assemblage (boolean)

true for properties that are part of an assemblage. This field is in beta and may not be available for all users.

land_market_value (object)

The market land value as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

land_use_code (array)

One or more land use codes (see Asset types).

land_use_code_description (array)

One or more land use or asset types (see Asset types).

lender_entity_type (string)

The lender entity type (business entity or person).

lender_name (string)

The recorded name of the mortgage lender.

lender_standardized_name (string)

The standardized name of the mortgage lender.

likely_to_sell (boolean)

locations (array)

kind (string)

Region kinds. Must be one of city, msa, state, zip_code, county, or neighborhood.

state (string)

State code to search for in conjunction

text (string)

Text to search for, in association with kind

lot_id (integer)

The property's lot ID.

lot_size_acres (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

lot_size_sqft (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

map_filters (object)

circles (array)

polygons (array)

master_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

mortgage_maturity_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_origination_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

mortgage_recording_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

msa (array)

One or more (10 max) metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The API uses partial matching so, for example, New York maps to New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

mtg_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

multi_parcel_sales (boolean)

true for properties that were part of a multi-property sale.

neighborhood (array)

One or more neighborhood names.

occupant_name (string)

The business name of the occupant.

occupant_search_type (string)

Specify occupants.naics1_description to search by NAICS description or occupants.sic1_description to search by SIC description. Enter the description using the occupant_type field.

occupant_type (string)

Specify the occupant's NAICS description or SIC description. You must also specify occupants.naics1_description or occupants.sic1_description in the occupant_search_type field.

occupant_website (string)

The website address of the occupant.

on_watchlist (string)

Use this to identify properties that are on watchlist currently (current) or previously (previous

opportunity_external_id (string)

opportunity_status (string)

opportunity_status_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

opportunity_zone (boolean)

true for properties located within a designated opportunity zone.

owner_contact_information (array)

A List of string values: has_green_phones, has_green_emails, and/or has_green_addresses to return properties where Reonomy has owner contact information of the specified type (phone, email, or address).

owner_email (string)

The email address of an individual owner or contact

owner_id (array)

ID of an person or company to filter for ownership

owner_keyword (string)

The name of the reported owner or signatory (must be an exact match).

owner_mailing_address (string)

The address of the reported owner.

owner_name (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

owner_occupied (boolean)

true for properties that are owner occupied.

owner_phone (string)

The phone number of an individual owner or contact

owner_type (string)

Type of owner, individual or company

owner_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

portfolio_assessed_value (object)

The assessed total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_market_value (object)

The market total value in USD

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

portfolio_properties_count (object)

The total number of properties in the portfolio

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

price_per_acre (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

property_ids (array)

One or more Reonomy property IDs in 8-4-4-4-12 format.

property_viewed_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

regulated_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

rent_limiter (boolean)

True for properties with rent control or rent stabilization on at least some of the units.

reported_owning_entity (string)

The name of the reported owner (must be an exact match).

sale_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_date (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sales_price (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

sales_price_per_sqft_of_building_area (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

seller_name (string)

The name of the seller.

shape_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

sort (array)

location (object)

name (string)

The field by which to sort the results (for example, lot_size_acres).

order (string)

asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

state (array)

One or more 2-letter state abbreviations.

street (string)

The street name.

tax_amount (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_change_pct (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_rate (object)

The net tax rate on a property, calculated as tax amount less exemptions and abatenments divided by assessed value for the most recent tax year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

tax_update_time (object)

inclusive (boolean)

Used when specifying a range. If true (the default), the API returns properties with dates within the range; If false, the API returns properties with dates outside the range

max (string)

Use this to specify the latest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

min (string)

Use this to specify the earliest date (YYYY-MM-DD).

relative_max (integer)

Use this to specify the latest date relative to today. For example, relative_max: -30 means older than 30 days.

relative_min (integer)

Use this to specify the earliest date relative to today. For example, relative_min: -30 means within the last 30 days.

total_assessed_value (object)

The total assessed value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_market_value (object)

The total market value of the parcel's land and improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority for the most recent assessment year.

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

total_units (object)

eq (number)

Use this to specify an exact value. If you specify a value, the min and max parameters are ignored.

include_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. Use include_null: truealong with the other filter parameters like max,min and eq.

is_null (boolean)

Specify true to locate properties where the value of this field is undefined (null). The default is false. If you specify is_null: true, the eq, min, and max parameters are ignored.

max (number)

Use this to specify a maximum value.

min (number)

Use this to specify a minimum value.

year_built (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

year_renovated (object)

max (number)

Use this to specify the latest year (inclusive).

min (number)

Use this to specify the earliest year (inclusive).

zip_code (array)

One or more zip codes.

zoning (array)

One or more zoning codes (for example, C1, C2, etc.). Zoning codes are location specific.

user (string)

version (integer)

The bulk data feed job spec version number (always 2).

prev_run (string)

For jobs with "deltas": true, use this parameter to specify the ID of the run to use as the base (optional). "delta" jobs return only records that have changed since the specified previous run. If you start a delta job without specifying prev_run, you will get a full run.



child_job_messages (array)

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the run was started.

data_feed (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.

data_feed_name (string)

Name of corresponding bulk data feed.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The run ID. You can use this to check the detailed run status using GET /bulk-data-feeds/runs/{run_id}.

is_temporary (boolean)

job_spec_url (string)

message (string)

Information about the current run status.

miss_url (string)

modified (string)

Always null when you start a run.

prev_run (string)

The previous run ID (for "delta" jobs only).

result_url (string)

result_urls (array)

status (string)

The run status (PENDING, STARTED, SUCCESS, etc.). See message for more detailed status information.

user (string)

The ID of the user who started the run.


get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs/{item_id}


Returns run information for the specified bulk data feed run. Use this to check the status of a job while it's running and to download the results when it's complete.

Related topics

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds/runs to start a run (use the data_feed query parameter to specify the job ID).



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The bulk data feed run ID.



child_job_messages (array)

Interim messages generated while the job is running.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the run was started.

data_feed (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.

data_feed_name (string)

Name of corresponding bulk data feed.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

id (string)

The run ID.

is_temporary (boolean)

job_spec_url (string)

message (string)

Information about the current run status.

miss_url (string)

modified (string)

Not used.

prev_run (string)

The previous run ID (for "delta" jobs only).

result_url (string)

The URL to download the output file (if the job completed successfully).

result_urls (array)

status (string)

The run status (PENDING, STARTED, SUCCESS, etc.). See message for more detailed status information.

user (string)

The ID of the user who started the run.



Files API

Use these endpoints to upload and manage match files associated with your bulk data feeds.

To upload and manage files from the Job Spec Editor, click 💡 beside the files node.

get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files


Returns details of all bulk data feeds files associated with your API account, or files associated with the job you specify using the data_feed query parameter.

Bulk data feeds files are CSV files containing property addresses. This endpoint returns the file metadata, not the actual files.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id} with the row_count query parameter to get a preview of the file's contents.

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files to upload new files.



Query parameters

order_by (string)

By default, files are ordered using the created date. To order the files using a different attribute, specify the attribute here.

sort (string)

By default, files are returned in ascending (asc) order (that is, the oldest file first) based on the order_by attribute, where the default is the created date. Specify desc to sort in descending order (newest file first).

data_feed (string)

Specify a bulk data feed job spec ID to return only files associated with that job.

limit (integer)

The maximum number of files to return (the default is 100).

offset (integer)

By default, the API returns file information starting with the file with the earliest created date. Use offset to start from a different point in the list. For example, setting offset=100 with limit=100 returns the next 100.



count (integer)

The total number of files.

items (array)

List of file objects.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file was created.

data_feeds (array)

The IDs of any bulk data feed jobs that reference this file.

file (string)

The file ID.

file_name (string)

The filename specified when the file was uploaded.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

headers (array)

List of CSV column headers.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Specifies which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location component parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file information was last modified.

result_url (string)

rows (array)

The first n data rows from the CSV file, where n is the row_count query parameter value (defaults to 1).

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

limit (integer)

The number of files in the response (default is 100).

next (string)

The URL for the next batch of results (or null).

offset (integer)

The offset (when displaying file information beyond the first 100 files).

previous (string)

The URL for the previous batch of results (or null).

remaining (integer)

By default, the API returns information in batches of 100. This displays the number of files remaining.

route_args (object)

Displays any parameters specified in the GET request.

search_token (string)

Not used (returns null).


post /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files


Uploads a file (for example, a property address CSV file) for use with bulk data feeds jobs.

When you upload the file, you can optionally specify a set of column mappings to indicate which columns map to the required address resolution fields. By including the mappings when you upload the file, you can retrieve them whenever you want to reference this file in a bulk data feed job spec (see GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id}).

If you need to update the information for a file (for example, the column mappings), you must upload a new version of the file with the new information.

This endpoint uses multipart/form-data encoding:

  • Specify the file as a files object.
  • Specify the file metadata as a form object.

Creating a low level HTTP request for this can be tricky, so use of an HTTP client library is highly recommended (see the sample code).



Request body (multipart/form-data)

file (file)

The upload file. Optionally use the mapping object to map your column names to the required parameters.

file_name (string)

The file name.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location component parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file maps to the optional row_id parameter. The row_id works as a common field you can use to "join" the results to your source data. We recommend including a column that contains a unique identifier for each row.



created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file was created.

data_feeds (array)

The IDs of any bulk data feed jobs that reference this file.

file (string)

The file ID.

file_name (string)

The filename specified when the file was uploaded.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

headers (array)

List of CSV column headers.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location component parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

modified (string)

Always null when uploading a file.

result_url (string)

rows (array)

The first n data rows from the CSV file, where n is the row_count query parameter value (defaults to 1).

user (string)

The ID of the user who uploaded the file.


delete /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id}


Deletes the specified bulk data feeds file.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files to get a list of available files.

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id} to check if the file is associated with any bulk data feeds jobs, as those jobs will fail if you delete the file.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The ID of the file to delete.



created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file was created.

data_feeds (array)

The IDs of any bulk data feed jobs that reference this file.

file (string)

The file ID.

file_name (string)

The filename specified when the file was uploaded.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

headers (array)

List of CSV column headers.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location component parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file information was last modified.

result_url (string)

rows (array)

The first n data rows from the CSV file, where n is the row_count query parameter value (defaults to 1).

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.


get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id}


Returns details of the specified bulk data feeds file (for example, a property address CSV file), including any column mappings you associated with the file when you uploaded it (see POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files).

By default, the response includes the file's first data row. Use the row_count query parameter to request additional rows.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files to get a list of all available files.

If you need to update the file's information (for example, the column mappings), you must upload a new version of the file with the new information.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The file ID.

Query parameters

row_count (integer)

The number of data rows to return in the response (default is 1; max is 10).



created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file was created.

data_feeds (array)

The IDs of any bulk data feed jobs that reference this file.

file (string)

The file ID.

file_name (string)

The filename specified when the file was uploaded.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

headers (array)

List of CSV column headers.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

Identify which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required location component parameters.

lat (string)

The column with the location's latitude value.

lon (string)

The column with the location's longitude value.

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file information was last modified.

rows (array)

The first n data rows from the CSV file, where n is the row_count query parameter value (defaults to 1).

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.


get /v2/bulk-data-feeds/{item_id}/files


Returns details of all files associated with the specified bulk data feeds job.

Bulk data feeds files are CSV files containing property addresses. This endpoint returns the file metadata, not the actual files.

Related topics

Use GET /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files/{item_id} with the row_count query parameter to get a preview of a file's contents.

Use POST /v2/bulk-data-feeds/files to upload new files.



Path parameters

item_id (string)

The bulk data feed job ID.



count (integer)

The number of files associated with this bulk data feeds job.

items (array)

List of file objects.

created (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file was created.

data_feeds (array)

The IDs of any bulk data feed jobs that reference this file.

file (string)

The file ID.

file_name (string)

The filename specified when the file was uploaded.

group_path (string)

The user's group ID.

headers (array)

List of CSV column headers.

mapping (object)

Optional CSV column mappings.

address (object)

Specifies which of the columns in the CSV file map to the required address component parameters.

city (string)

The column with the city name.

line1 (string)

The column with the street address.

postal_code (string)

The column with the zip code.

state (string)

The column with the 2-letter state abbreviation.

location (object)

lat (string)

lon (string)

property_id (string)

row_id (string)

modified (string)

The date and time (UTC) the file information was last modified.

result_url (string)

rows (array)

The first n data rows from the CSV file, where n is the row_count query parameter value (defaults to 1).

user (string)

The ID of the user that submitted the request.

limit (integer)

The number of files in the response (default is 100).

next (string)

The URL for the next batch of results (or null).

offset (integer)

The offset (when displaying files beyond the first 100).

previous (string)

The URL for the previous batch of results (or null).

remaining (integer)

By default, the API returns information in batches of 100. This displays the number of files remaining.

route_args (object)

Displays any query parameters specified in the GET request.

search_token (string)

Not used (returns null).


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